Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Summary of contributing runs since May this year

Not many runs to report as I have been doing a limited number of them. I have increased to 3- 4 runs a week now, and here are the significant ones:

http://connect.garmin.com/activity/84667414 May 1st 2011, average pace 6min43/km
http://connect.garmin.com/activity/90178221 12km first part of a 34km run Christine and I did June 5
http://connect.garmin.com/activity/90178228 22km second part of the 34km run. Averaged 6min25 for this one, and 6min33 for the first one.. The fact I pulled up ok ( it did hurt and it was hard ) is a good sign considering the limited km's I have done..

I attempted one of the tempo style runs that my training plan specifies:

The plan for this run was to do 4min30 for 11km.. I managed the first 8 at that pace, but dropped off, and ended up with 4min38 average. I have fairly lofty goals this year for the Mel Marathon and intense training is what is needed to get me there. Many more runs like this to come, and at longer distances too. Looking forward to it.

http://connect.garmin.com/activity/91715553 The latest 2hr30 I did with Christine. The pace is significantly faster now for her. The last few km's done faster than her previous best 3km TT :) Wow...

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