Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Tuesday 21 May 2013, easy 5km with 10x30 speed after

Did an easy 5km again today, about 27 minutes or so. Then did 10x30 speed with 30 second rest.

Ran again with a few fellows from work. Slightly younger than I am but quite fit. They sure can hang in there for the speed work, and don't seem to be suffering.  But they do pull out earlier, so me the old dog can work a little harder !!

These ones I managed to hold the pace much better than the last ones. Still no-where near as fit as I need to be aerobically. I can make gains on aerobic fitness with shorter faster running, but it really does not feel as effortless as it does when I have a lot of mileage done.  I am making progress with fitness, and will see how fast I can get without resorting to high mileage.

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