Thursday, August 6, 2009

Date: Thu, Aug 6, 2009 6:59 AM
Avg Pace: 04:33 min/km
Distance: 2.2 km

This is a interval run, 30 seconds at speed follwoed by 30 second jog to recover, 10 repetitions. The average speed included the recovery jog pace so does not really indicate the speed in each 30 sec session. The summary of the session - First column is the overall distance in km's, the next is the average speed for the 30 seconds, the next is the max speed reached in that 30 second session, the average heart rate and the max heart rate. :

0.14 03:30 03:18 140 150 *
0.09 05:16 03:32 146 151
0.14 03:30 03:19 150 156 *
0.09 05:42 03:40 153 156
0.15 03:24 03:15 155 160 *
0.08 05:54 03:20 156 161
0.15 03:20 03:08 156 162 *
0.08 06:14 03:17 157 162
0.14 03:29 03:18 157 161 *
0.07 07:16 03:38 156 161
0.15 03:20 03:10 157 163 *
0.07 07:01 03:32 159 163
0.15 03:23 03:08 159 164 *
0.07 07:07 03:24 159 165
0.15 03:26 03:05 158 163 *
0.07 06:50 03:34 160 163
0.14 03:34 03:14 158 163 *
0.07 07:35 03:53 157 164
0.16 03:12 02:54 161 169 *
0.06 08:04 03:29 164 169

The speed laps are marked with '*'. I did better than 3:30 for all the speed sessions, apart from the second last one where I did 3:34. So I was reasonably consistent. The recovery laps were far too slow, I should be doing at least 5:30 there. I also notice the heart rate never got above 169. The theoretical 'heart rate MAX' for a man my age is 220-age which works out to about 177.

For one 30 second session my heart rate reached %95 of my theoretical maximum. The average over the all sessions was only 157. So I think I have some room to push harder.

What I take away from this is that I am not that fast yet, and I have a lot of work to do. I do possess inherent speed and can go fast, I just need to actually do it!!, and 3minutes flat in each 30 second speed session is possible.

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